Campervan rental companies in New Zealand

Over 50,000
Bookings & counting
Trusted since
Comparing and booking a hire car is easy

When it comes to hiring a campervan in New Zealand, you want a reliable, well-maintained, and top-quality vehicle — and this is why using a respected rental campervan provider matters. Here at VroomVroomVroom we don’t work with just anyone — instead we carefully select who we do work with to make sure you’re not only getting a competitive rate, but also a reliable, safe, and well-maintained vehicle.

We currently work with almost a dozen hire campervan providers operating in New Zealand, including Apollo, Britz, Cruisin, Jucy Rentals, Maui, and Mighty. Between them, they have campervan rental depots across New Zealand. Each supplier has their own vehicle fleet, and benefits and restrictions, and you can find all that information here on VroomVroomVroom.

By searching through some of New Zealand’s most respected campervan hire providers, we’re able to provide you with a comprehensive range of rental vehicles — accompanied by any information you need to know before booking — and, of course, at a competitive rate.